Post surgical convalescence, post parasitic infestation,
debilitated states following trauma or illness; to counter
effects of stress or over exertion; to promote appetite
or weight gain. Anabolic therapy should always be
accompanied by other specific and supportive
therapy e.g. balanced diet.
Vet Access Information
For anabolic therapy of short duration with low androgenic effect in horses.
Post surgical convalescence, post parasitic infestation,
debilitated states following trauma or illness; to counter
effects of stress or over exertion; to promote appetite
or weight gain. Anabolic therapy should always be
accompanied by other specific and supportive
therapy e.g. balanced diet.
3-5ml weekly for 4 weeks
Every 2 weeks thereafter
Administer by intramuscular injection
50mg/ml Stanozolol
Aqueous Base